That's The Way To do It!!!
On Sunday, I was up in Covent Garden and there was a Punch and Judy festival going on. The location was significant as it is where the first Punch & Judy show was performed in England in 1662. If you have never heard of Mr Punch, here is a site where you can find out more than you ever wanted to know.
Dating back several hundred hears before any concept of political correctness, the show is completely unsuitable entertainment for childern (and adults come to that) but it was an experience to see crowds of both entertained by wooden puppets in this age of video games and blockbuster movies in our front rooms.
A good opportunity for some pictures of hideous puppets, creepy ventriliquist dolls and scarey clowns!!!

On Sunday, I was up in Covent Garden and there was a Punch and Judy festival going on. The location was significant as it is where the first Punch & Judy show was performed in England in 1662. If you have never heard of Mr Punch, here is a site where you can find out more than you ever wanted to know.
Dating back several hundred hears before any concept of political correctness, the show is completely unsuitable entertainment for childern (and adults come to that) but it was an experience to see crowds of both entertained by wooden puppets in this age of video games and blockbuster movies in our front rooms.
A good opportunity for some pictures of hideous puppets, creepy ventriliquist dolls and scarey clowns!!!

Can't wait til we finally get to do this shoot! We have to start talking about dates soon... basically I finish exams in the 1st June, am busy the 3rd, 5th and am in France 11th til 15th. Maybe shoot before I've jetted out of the country but not too close after the end of exams as I am most likely to still be pissed...
Will keep in touch!!