I was thinking how nothing lasts, and what a shame that is. Yes A Benjamin Button quote, but is exactly where I'm at right now. This past weekend I had something happen to me that really changed how I felt about someone that I really cared a great deal about. Partly my fault of my impatience and hasty nature to get answers, but really never thought it'd came to what it did. It really is a shame things do not last. Do I still care for you? Yes. In this current state I cant continue to try and be part of your life when you have been doing nothing, but try and erase me from yours. I cherished the time we did, but now it's time to let go. It will be hard, but it has to be done.
No its a dell.....and im sorry you had a rought weekend
Thanks Doll. It always could be worse, but that weekend was one for the books. I'm a big boy. I'll get through it all.