before handerpants, my life was bleak and without meaning. Henceforth, upon the coming of said handerpants within the local parcel service, the meaning of life was revealed. Ipsofacto, my third eye has been opened.
Furthermore, my closest friend has been plagued with multiple diseases and afflictions. Once touched by the magic handerpants he has grown strong and found the courage to start a small school in Uganda.
In short, should you make your next purchase on this website, it should be handerpants without a doubt.
Underpants for your hands...

before handerpants, my life was bleak and without meaning. Henceforth, upon the coming of said handerpants within the local parcel service, the meaning of life was revealed. Ipsofacto, my third eye has been opened.
Furthermore, my closest friend has been plagued with multiple diseases and afflictions. Once touched by the magic handerpants he has grown strong and found the courage to start a small school in Uganda.
In short, should you make your next purchase on this website, it should be handerpants without a doubt.
Underpants for your hands...

Oh my!!!! Yup, I'll put it on my shopping list! LOL
Wow... I don't know how to feel about those. BUT MUST TRY!