So its December and I'm on nights now, so ill be awake when you all are now! least for this month, and i noticed that my blog idea didn't work out i still don't blog often enough but meh i guess this will have to due. but i haven't been in chat as much cause Skype is taking over again but i know ill be in chat still just probably not as much. So life... lets see.. I'm 9 months into this deployment and they are thinking about sticking a third person in the room with me and that would suck cause these rooms are already tiny and i hate it. but i have no choice.. so other than that news i figured out about when ill be home.. well a more specific date than sometime around February, it will be in the late days of February cause they like our squad and want us to stay longer to help train the next group of people to come onto base but i digress, i spent 5 hours last night watching Glee... don't judge... it passes time and i think ill end up watching a lot more for now. but plus side since i last posted a blog i have come to terms that the kid wasn't mine and I'm moving on from her and trying to find someone new in my life, i mean there are always options but i have to figure out if they are good ones or not.. but i can't truly do that until i get home, i just know i hate being alone and this place really is making me hate it more, but luckily i have all of you to help me out and make me happy and i thank you all for that

You don't need to blog a lot, just comment and talk
So, February eh? And possibly with another person in the room... Seems like it'd drag on forever. I hope it doesn't for you tho!!