so i have noticed i do not update...this blog.. ever.. so this is me doing that, i have been working this new job for about a week and a half and its hot I've sweat more than anyone should and I'm finally getting tan after 8 months in africa.. i should be going on leave here in about two weeks. i can't wait! but life while I'm here is pretty routine so there is not a whole lot to update about sadly. i mean other than I've been listening to an odd amount of country music which isn't normal. but Karma! she is one amazing SG and she makes me so happy its a shame that she's married cause she knows how to make me smile and has sent me more things than anyone has while I've been here and she continues to make sure I'm doing ok. and checks on me. could be one of the best friends I've made on here yet. Sillyk the up and coming entrepreneur she has done her fair share of making it so i am good and happy and i love getting to talk to her. i think this website and all my chatters have made my life here easy and less stressful and i just want to thank everyone i talk to on here some more than others but they will be getting talked to so meh.
From Ja-Booty with love. Josh!
From Ja-Booty with love. Josh!

I'm one of your favs?! Honored! Also, you blogged sweetly.
Of course you are ash your the only one to give me a nickname and you were i think the third sg to talk to me ill always remember you