so its for sure almost 2 am, and i can't sleep, and i gotta wake up in a few hours, getting used to this whole not sleeping thing but i am getting crazy headaches came i haven't been taking in as much caffeine as usual which is odd considering I'm still not sleeping well with no caffeine and i slept better before usually when i did have some.. but either way I'm officially getting homesick and its kinda sucking and I'm not sure why its hitting me now, maybe its cause I'm going home kinda soon for me leave. but i could be wrong, either way I'm sure these next two months will slowly piss me off more and more but ill deal. so i have also come to the conclusion that i should stop making dates for when i get home i have an odd feeling that making plans to go on dates with 5 people in two weeks will either get me in trouble or it will make for a fun two weeks, but as i have told them I'm looking for a good stable relationship for when i get home so I'm kinda playing the field but i might be doin it the wrong way, but i really like a couple of them but sadly one of them is in an open relationship and she is not sure how well its going to go and i just don't wanna be a part of why it fails, i don't like stepping on others toes. i guess things will happen the way they will happen, but sorry chatters i haven't been on as much lately but i really have been horrible at getting on after work and i was hoping to get on night shift which would have made it easier to get on but they took that away from me till maybe september then i change jobs, well have fun everyone!
More Blogs
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Alas, before handerpants, my life was bleak and without meaning. Hen… -
Tuesday Mar 20, 2012
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Sunday Feb 19, 2012
So hey everyone, it's been while, I am on my iPad so I can't get into… -
Monday Jan 30, 2012
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Monday Jan 23, 2012
i love these videos -
Saturday Jan 21, 2012
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Thursday Jan 12, 2012
I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blin… -
Saturday Dec 31, 2011
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Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
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Monday Dec 26, 2011
Finally happy... ready to be home i can't wait for whats in store