do you have strange little things....example: i hate talking on the phone. i can't talk naturally and i'm always really uncomfortable. (huge back story to that one) i can't ever seem to get what i'm really feeling or want to say written correctly. i always end up sounding like i'm 6 or mentally handicapped.
i'm a deep down a very nice and caring person....if i like you and you don't get on my nerves. most people fail to see this side of me. I can be the meanest, nastiest person so much that i don't even want to be around myself.
I have friends, but they all live far away.
sometimes i feel very manic.
don't you have crap like that? I know you do.
i'm a deep down a very nice and caring person....if i like you and you don't get on my nerves. most people fail to see this side of me. I can be the meanest, nastiest person so much that i don't even want to be around myself.
I have friends, but they all live far away.

sometimes i feel very manic.
don't you have crap like that? I know you do.
I know exactly what you mean. I'm terrible on the phone...I get all nervous. I'm actually getting slightly better in person, but that all goes out the window on the phone.
i'm feelin' it, i agree