Piece of shit of the week Nick Rizzuto, founder of scumbag website.
i know, i've posted about him before, but i just want to remind you folks, if you see him around, a kick in the balls is an acceptable greeting.
In other news, scratchy throat makes old guy stay home on rainy day. Ninjaweiner and Rileydog went to the dog park yesterday. Ninja realizes big dogs will squash him. Riley chases dogs and gets foamy mouth syndrome (FMS.)
i know, i've posted about him before, but i just want to remind you folks, if you see him around, a kick in the balls is an acceptable greeting.
In other news, scratchy throat makes old guy stay home on rainy day. Ninjaweiner and Rileydog went to the dog park yesterday. Ninja realizes big dogs will squash him. Riley chases dogs and gets foamy mouth syndrome (FMS.)
yes, i am a hippy...and you are an old crust punk. I still shower more than you do, though.
Welcome to the BCB group sir