The Virtual Dating World...
Well, in my quest to revamp my life and improve myself, I wanted to take a few profile tests to learn more about myself. I had taken some before, but they werent all too helpful. I got to talking to a friend tho, and she had used a dating website to find a match, but not only that, it gave her a great profile. I decided to try it out myself, after all, it's free for the profile
. The website is a popular one, u see it on the TV all the time. I went there, and began the survey, and wow, what a survey. Every page of like 12 questions only completed 7%, needless to say it took a couple hours of doing it and trying to answer IM's. When it was done, it truly did give me a profile of myself that matched me down to the last point. I was actually shocked initially at some of the results, but after reading it all and thinking about it afterwards, it did match me. It's very comprehensive and I was able to learn a lot from it. It's turning out to be my base tool in improving myself, and acknowledging the way I am. I even went as far as to pay the extra $20 to get the extended profile, which went deeping into who i was, and was even more helpful. I now know who I am, for the most part, tho Im still trying to wrap my head around it.
The next day... i received match results for that profile. I had not intended to be on that website to look for dates. Yes I am single... but online dating... just feels a bit weird to me. Yet, to be hypicritical, I had "dated" someone b4 online... we broke up later, but it was still dating. After talking some more with the friend who recommended the site b4, and thinking long and hard... I decided, heck, why not give it a try, nothing to lose really. I havent dated anyone in a long time... over a year now, mostly cause I was pretty content with my life the way it was. I started thinking tho, of where i was going in life, or everyone around me and their lives, and most of them had bf's, and in fact had them for a couple of years now. Every now and then even someone would get married. Im not into rushing anything at all, but it got me thinking.... should i get back out there, and try again to find someone to love, and to find love??? So now here I am, i have this account, and im getting matches. To my surprise, the site is pretty good at finding matches. You cant browse just anyone, it sends u matches as it finds them for u to browse, and remarkably, a lot of them seemed actually interesting. So I'll give it some more time, see where it leads, if anyone strikes me. Until then, I think im going to open myself more, before like i said i was closed off because I was content with myself, and because I did not have a great self-confidence, but now that im learning more about myself, my confidence is growing, so im opening up more. It was a great confidence booster. Not to brag, but to state the facts, it basically said I was the perfect guy, with a well balanced life. I was actually shocked myself... Anyways, lol, this blog has gone on long enough, time to update my profile with my newfound facts about myself, till next time
Well, in my quest to revamp my life and improve myself, I wanted to take a few profile tests to learn more about myself. I had taken some before, but they werent all too helpful. I got to talking to a friend tho, and she had used a dating website to find a match, but not only that, it gave her a great profile. I decided to try it out myself, after all, it's free for the profile

The next day... i received match results for that profile. I had not intended to be on that website to look for dates. Yes I am single... but online dating... just feels a bit weird to me. Yet, to be hypicritical, I had "dated" someone b4 online... we broke up later, but it was still dating. After talking some more with the friend who recommended the site b4, and thinking long and hard... I decided, heck, why not give it a try, nothing to lose really. I havent dated anyone in a long time... over a year now, mostly cause I was pretty content with my life the way it was. I started thinking tho, of where i was going in life, or everyone around me and their lives, and most of them had bf's, and in fact had them for a couple of years now. Every now and then even someone would get married. Im not into rushing anything at all, but it got me thinking.... should i get back out there, and try again to find someone to love, and to find love??? So now here I am, i have this account, and im getting matches. To my surprise, the site is pretty good at finding matches. You cant browse just anyone, it sends u matches as it finds them for u to browse, and remarkably, a lot of them seemed actually interesting. So I'll give it some more time, see where it leads, if anyone strikes me. Until then, I think im going to open myself more, before like i said i was closed off because I was content with myself, and because I did not have a great self-confidence, but now that im learning more about myself, my confidence is growing, so im opening up more. It was a great confidence booster. Not to brag, but to state the facts, it basically said I was the perfect guy, with a well balanced life. I was actually shocked myself... Anyways, lol, this blog has gone on long enough, time to update my profile with my newfound facts about myself, till next time