I think I was a bit too hasty to dismiss Lacan yesterday. So this evening, I looked over his article, and mostly my notes on, 'The Agency...'.
The process of signification creates a lack. But what does signification actually mean in terms of human desire or consumption? Or, perhaps a better question would be, is human desire a form of signification? Do we attempt to achieve meaning through the fulfillment of our desires? And, if so, of course, this fulfillment of desires must always must appease the almighty dollar. But do we attempt to achieve signification (meaning) through the fulfillment of desire (consumption)?
Well, chicken, do we?
Word 1 is pointed towards word 2, because of the desire to achieve meaning. Word 1 has no inherent meaning, so we aim it towards word 2 as a means of giving it significance (through contextualization), the faking of signification. The word itself possesses a lack of any actual meaning.
But I return again to the relationship between signification and desire. Lacan says that our identities are always fragmented. We always feel an internal lack because our entire environment is constructed by and within a linguistic system that has no objective meaning. How does this apply to modern pop culture? There is an absolute lack of meaning in the world around us. Hypocrisy abounds, and examples are seemingly endless. We do search for meaning fairly endlessly, and never find it.
But where does the madness end?
The process of signification creates a lack. But what does signification actually mean in terms of human desire or consumption? Or, perhaps a better question would be, is human desire a form of signification? Do we attempt to achieve meaning through the fulfillment of our desires? And, if so, of course, this fulfillment of desires must always must appease the almighty dollar. But do we attempt to achieve signification (meaning) through the fulfillment of desire (consumption)?
Well, chicken, do we?

Word 1 is pointed towards word 2, because of the desire to achieve meaning. Word 1 has no inherent meaning, so we aim it towards word 2 as a means of giving it significance (through contextualization), the faking of signification. The word itself possesses a lack of any actual meaning.
But I return again to the relationship between signification and desire. Lacan says that our identities are always fragmented. We always feel an internal lack because our entire environment is constructed by and within a linguistic system that has no objective meaning. How does this apply to modern pop culture? There is an absolute lack of meaning in the world around us. Hypocrisy abounds, and examples are seemingly endless. We do search for meaning fairly endlessly, and never find it.
But where does the madness end?