I am curious about the notion of electability and its relationship to American identity. How does a voter define someone as electable?

If you recall from my rantings in the 2004 election, morality was a major concern of the voters. Most people who voted for George W. Bush cited moral values as the most important issue of the campaign. I strongly argued that people evaluated...
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i definitely think that the W campaigns were premised, ultimately, on masculinity, or perhaps even outright machismo.

i don't think that the Clinton campaign is very successfully using gender debate to its advantage, but i dont' think that's because voters are looking for a masculine voter. first off, i disagree that militaristic or aggressive behaviour - or other behaviours associated with strength and dominance - are masculine behaviours. i think the real issue is that you have a lot of people who have already mostly made up their minds about Sen. Clinton based on 1) her husband, and 2) how they felt about her performance as a 1st Lady. perhaps residents of the Northeastern states have gotten over that by seeing her in action as a senator.

Sen. Obama appeals to me because of his racial and socioeconomic diversity. he is the candidate that i can most relate to as a person, coming from a racially and socioeconomically varied background myself, and having been raised by a single mother. so, for me, i'm tired of electing presidents who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, whether republican or democrat. it is time for the broken homes, the ethnically mixed, and the kids who have dragged themselves outta the slums to have a president.

point of question - do you ever notice how lots of people refer to Obama as either Senator or Mister (or no title), but to Clinton only as Senator or Hillary (or no title), and never as Mrs.? does that strike you as significant or meaningful?
I am drunk.
I am also supporting Hillary Clinton for President. bok
I ran this morning for the first time in a while. I woke up very restless and had the sudden urge. This feeling reminded me of what I felt about two years ago, when I first moved back into the area. I felt constantly restless and indecisive about the status of my life. I found it terribly difficult to find any sense of comfort with...
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First off, I made a new years resolution, despite the fact that I am adverse to them. I promised not to drink any sparkling wines in 2008. I have yet to meet a sparkling wine I can enjoy. I've met some that I don't dislike and even some that taste alright (the crossings blanc de blanc from new hope, pa is one that comes to...
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I think I was a bit too hasty to dismiss Lacan yesterday. So this evening, I looked over his article, and mostly my notes on, 'The Agency...'.

The process of signification creates a lack. But what does signification actually mean in terms of human desire or consumption? Or, perhaps a better question would be, is human desire a form of signification? Do we attempt to...
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I've been thinking recently about the state of satisfaction in my life and how it relates to consumption. I am apt to believe that Satisfaction itself is not possible, or to put it another way, the discourse that surrounds satisfaction treats it as an event rather than a process. That one can achieve an eternal satisfaction through consumption (whether in the sense of goods or...
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It is ironic that my morning commute be so calm. My picturesque walk
starts through a long, sunny field, crosses a street and leads me across
the quadrangles of campus. My favorite are those when the morning due
individually freezes each blade of grass. My steps are somewhat of a
symphony of crackles that fail to echo with the absence of walls. When
reaching the...
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I have little news on my resolutions. I am growing tired of my current occupation fast, and seek some stimulation. I maintain that an ebb and flow is necessary for a balanced, and therefore enjoyable, life and think it time to break out of the rigidity in which I am trapped. For a while I thought I lacked a means of expressing myself, but now...
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I am trying to start a personal statement. It is not going well. Advice?!
I am facilitating a discussion for freshman tomorrow on the book 'Dead Man Walking', and am trying to brainstorm some questions to ask... I want to shy away from the religious aspects of the book, and even to some extent the ethical questions. Rather than use this as an opportunity to argue or reiterate beliefs people already have, I am hoping we can delve a...
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i really need a new camera lens, but i do not have the money. anyone want to make a small donation? ARRR!!!
thanks cheapos - i bought one myself!
