I'm copying/pasting this from my facebook, because I think everyone on the planet should read it [especially cause I wrote it ; ]
Every time I go on the interwebs and check my myspace, facebook, etc., I am assaulted with poor grammar. It hurts the void where my soul should be, and stresses my defective heart. Instead of letting it vex me any longer, Im taking every last one of you (who bothers to read this) to school.
Dont get shitty with me, this is for your own good
your and youre
This is the most common fuck up I see most of you sorry sons of bitches making. To understand the difference, remember it like this:
your is the possessive form of "you" and replaces "yo"
Example: Yo mamas a ho. translates as Your mothers a whore.
to remember, try to associate your with yo because its shorter than the contraction youre - which means "you are"
Example: Youre a filthy, stinking skank, Sally.
see how that shit works?
now lets try using them together:
If youre not gonna wear a condom, Im not gonna suck your dick, said the hooker.
now that weve crossed THAT fucking bridge, lets climb this next mountain:
there, their and fucking theyre
lets start off with the one that indicates possession:
Examples: Thats right, Bobby, blow their fuckin balls off with your shotgun!
Women dont like their clits rubbed with sandpaper.
onto the contraction (combination of the words they and are)
Examples: When those Klansmen see all those Black Panthers at the rally, theyre going to shit their sheets.
Theyre coming to get you, Barbara.
which brings us to there - use it when referring to a place
Examples: 'Nah, nah, bitchdontchu muthafuckin go there!' said the classy lady on Springer."
I dont know what happened, doc, but after I fucked that homeless girl, Im all itchy down there.
They dont know what theyre talking about; theres no god.
Theyre over there with their guns pointed at our dicks.
were far from finished
then and fucking than
then indicates time
Examples: First I took her to dinner, then we went to the movies, then we went for a moonlit walk on the beach, then we hopped in a dumpster and I fucked her in the ass.
I only masturbate to furry porn every now and then.
than is used for comparison
Examples: 'My dicks bigger than yours,' explained Tyrone."
I hate getting ass-raped by my cellmate less than tossing his salad.
see how easy it is, kids?
next lesson:
its and its
its is possessive. if his and hers dont have apostrophes, its doesnt get to be special either
Example: When that asshole werewolf kicked in my door, I cut its fucking head off, then shit down its throat.
its is used ONLY when youre trying to say it is or it has
Examples: Its been a long time since Ive seen a donkey show.
Its not you, lard ass, its me
this next fuckers tricky:
whos and whose
same principle as its and its - whos means who is and whose indicates possessionsorta
Examples: Whose dog shit on my fucking lawn?
Whos the asshole who posted the naked pictures of my daughter on my goddamned cubicle?
another one people cant seem to master:
to, too, and two
to is a preposition, not a proposition like Ill pay you to get naked and jump up and down, but that does happen to be the proper use of the word.
too is an adverb that denotes excess or can be used in place of also
two (2) is a fucking number
Examples: Im going to go fuck myself.
I would like to fuck a porn star, but theyre too hard to catch with my two dollar net.
Well, if I have herpes, you have it too.
there is no such thing as would/could/should of
its would/could/should havethus; wouldve (etc.)
Example: If I knew it was going to be that kind of party, I wouldve stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.
and finally
a lot = two words. I just learned this a few years ago myself, so dont feel too ignorant
Example: There are a lot of stupid, fat people in Texas.
Youve just graduated Grammar School GRAMMAR. Now go off with your new powers and use them for evil.
Every time I go on the interwebs and check my myspace, facebook, etc., I am assaulted with poor grammar. It hurts the void where my soul should be, and stresses my defective heart. Instead of letting it vex me any longer, Im taking every last one of you (who bothers to read this) to school.
Dont get shitty with me, this is for your own good
your and youre
This is the most common fuck up I see most of you sorry sons of bitches making. To understand the difference, remember it like this:
your is the possessive form of "you" and replaces "yo"
Example: Yo mamas a ho. translates as Your mothers a whore.
to remember, try to associate your with yo because its shorter than the contraction youre - which means "you are"
Example: Youre a filthy, stinking skank, Sally.
see how that shit works?
now lets try using them together:
If youre not gonna wear a condom, Im not gonna suck your dick, said the hooker.
now that weve crossed THAT fucking bridge, lets climb this next mountain:
there, their and fucking theyre
lets start off with the one that indicates possession:
Examples: Thats right, Bobby, blow their fuckin balls off with your shotgun!
Women dont like their clits rubbed with sandpaper.
onto the contraction (combination of the words they and are)
Examples: When those Klansmen see all those Black Panthers at the rally, theyre going to shit their sheets.
Theyre coming to get you, Barbara.
which brings us to there - use it when referring to a place
Examples: 'Nah, nah, bitchdontchu muthafuckin go there!' said the classy lady on Springer."
I dont know what happened, doc, but after I fucked that homeless girl, Im all itchy down there.
They dont know what theyre talking about; theres no god.
Theyre over there with their guns pointed at our dicks.
were far from finished
then and fucking than
then indicates time
Examples: First I took her to dinner, then we went to the movies, then we went for a moonlit walk on the beach, then we hopped in a dumpster and I fucked her in the ass.
I only masturbate to furry porn every now and then.
than is used for comparison
Examples: 'My dicks bigger than yours,' explained Tyrone."
I hate getting ass-raped by my cellmate less than tossing his salad.
see how easy it is, kids?
next lesson:
its and its
its is possessive. if his and hers dont have apostrophes, its doesnt get to be special either
Example: When that asshole werewolf kicked in my door, I cut its fucking head off, then shit down its throat.
its is used ONLY when youre trying to say it is or it has
Examples: Its been a long time since Ive seen a donkey show.
Its not you, lard ass, its me
this next fuckers tricky:
whos and whose
same principle as its and its - whos means who is and whose indicates possessionsorta
Examples: Whose dog shit on my fucking lawn?
Whos the asshole who posted the naked pictures of my daughter on my goddamned cubicle?
another one people cant seem to master:
to, too, and two
to is a preposition, not a proposition like Ill pay you to get naked and jump up and down, but that does happen to be the proper use of the word.
too is an adverb that denotes excess or can be used in place of also
two (2) is a fucking number
Examples: Im going to go fuck myself.
I would like to fuck a porn star, but theyre too hard to catch with my two dollar net.
Well, if I have herpes, you have it too.
there is no such thing as would/could/should of
its would/could/should havethus; wouldve (etc.)
Example: If I knew it was going to be that kind of party, I wouldve stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.
and finally
a lot = two words. I just learned this a few years ago myself, so dont feel too ignorant
Example: There are a lot of stupid, fat people in Texas.
Youve just graduated Grammar School GRAMMAR. Now go off with your new powers and use them for evil.
YES!! I'm such a grammar/spelling nazi too 

Thank you for add <3