Well this sucks. Last night I realized that I did not properly sign up for my Anatomy class for college this fall. I've searched to see if there are any more classes available in the afternoons but there are not. Also, all the other medical classes that are on my course description are currently filled as well. I have grant money to use and I don't want it to go to waste. :-/ F...M...L.
I have never vented on here before but I felt the need to do so. Only maybe a couple of you will noticed but that wont bother me. I prefer venting rather than turning all this into a sappy therapy session.
I have never vented on here before but I felt the need to do so. Only maybe a couple of you will noticed but that wont bother me. I prefer venting rather than turning all this into a sappy therapy session.
Did you swing a cactus?
That is seriously pissed off. The cactus swinger, I mean. Best of luck with your class issues.