So I didn't have a very good day. I blame it on forgetting my chocolate pudding for lunch. It always brightens my day and ensures it's gonna be a good day, but when I forget it, bah, I have days like these. First off, I was up waiy too late ont this addictive site last night, so I was dragging ass all day. Then, there was a presentation at work which bored me to all hell and just about put me to sleep. THEN, I found out because of presidents day my payroll check I deposited Friday wasn't going to be in the bank until tomorow which means 5 days with no money. Blah. And to top it all off, my car is falling to shit so I have to see about getting another one. I'm looking into a 97 nissan maxima though. Pretty nice car. Whelp, that was my rant for the day, time to go to bed. Nights all my new SG friends!
i know me too. i used to do that a lot before gas went up and my cars started sucking. one time my friend and i drove for 2 hours just to drive and get something to eat. it was fun. i drove tonight, i got to drive my mothers car which was a lot of fun cause its brand spanking new. a 2005 cobalt. wooo
thanx for the comment!