Resident Evil is such a great survival horror series, eventually it went to the action horror route after the debut of Resident Evil 4. Thinking of this series begs me to question everyone here, "What is your favorite Resident Evil game?". My favorite of the series is Resident Evil , mainly because of my favorite RE character, Chris Redfield. That's right my favorite is not Leon, don't get me wrong he is cool but he is not as badass as Chris. RE5 has a lot of action and introduced co-op game play with Sheva. The new zombie outbreak is very cool, and of course Wesker makes his return as the main bad guy, plus Jill being in the game brings back memories of the first game. The replay ability of this game is spot on, with different costumes, dlc levels, and mercenary mode as well. I truly have my fingers crossed that because of how RE4 remaster ended that means RE5 is close to getting a remaster. So let me know which game is your favorite and why.