I was 3 when this movie came out and it changed my world, my way of thinking of how the good guy can be, and just plain and simple made me love goth stuff from that point on. I have seen this movie more times than I can remember, and I built up quite a collection of Nightmare before Christmas stuff plus a tattoo of Jack & Sally on my arm. This will always be my top comfort movie and just such and immortal piece of art that will continue on for generations to come. Tim Burton is the best! Also to note I know Jack's Lament by heart!
@fredhincanada for the tag of course, and my fellow goth/alternative people, @scorpiontim87 @shenzy @witchie @julha @amoxi @rare @headshot @cocoafrodi @poisonivy @something_wicked_this_way_comes @spooky_queen @sakurajane @jadestone @valori @v3n3vinus @veronicavixxxen