I wrote a couple months ago about a girl at work I was starting to catch feelings for and admitting it was not going to end well for me. After flirting and plenty of conversations (ones that are extremely hard to interpret if she has feelings or not) thinking there might be something there only to realize there is nothing there. I get it, she liked the attention, we all do, its all on me for having hope. I got to the point that I am done chasing, and done wasting my time. I'm getting too old for games, just want something real for once. Honestly the only person I'm upset with is myself for going down this rabbit hole already knowing the outcome ahead of time but being ignorant to it and falling head first in. Will I get over this feeling? Yes I will, it just sucks looking back at all the time I wasted chasing her and even doing my thing as an artist which was drawing her as well. I'm not blaming her at all, its ultimately my fault for feeling the way I feel now. Will she ever know? Probably not, and the sad truth is that she will never notice that I stop giving her attention, she find someone else easily. This concludes my little rant on poor life choices.