I was tagged by my buddy @scorpiontim87
1. Your favorite things you love about the Fall season?
Hoodie Weather, Spooky Season, and my birthday
2. Who's decorating for Halloween?
I try to
3. Have you decided on a Halloween costume?
The Crow or Jason Voorhees
4. Favorite outdoor Fall activities?
5. Favorite horror movies?
Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm St., It, Scream, Alien, Wolfman, Bram Stoker's Dracula
6. Favorite Halloween song 🎵🎶?
"This is Halloween" - Nightmare Before Christmas
7. Have you ever visited a cemetery at night?
8. Who's going on vacation or holiday this fall?
Not me lol
9. Who's going camping or spending some time in nature this fall?
Not me lol
10. Favorite Fall and Halloween alcohol drinks?
I like Jack and Coke, never had a Halloween theme drink
11. Anyone going to or hosting a Halloween party?
Nope working unfortunately this Halloween
12. Do you have a favorite Halloween themed set from the past or present?
@witchie dressed like a witch, that set is dope
13. Your current status like married, dating, BF, GF or single?
14. Who is your bestie on the SG website name only one model or member?
@lolahendrix , she is the best and sweetest
15. Do you believe in witches?
Kind of
16. Who's in love or looking for love?
I'm crushing on someone from my site I watch over as security
17. Do you believe in ghosts?
18. Who's horny now?
Not at the moment, but give me some time lol
19. Who thinks I should do a Holiday questioner?
My friends here
20. Who enjoys questioners?
We all do, sharing is caring
I'm tagging @lolahendrix @thanatoz @shenzy @fredhincanada @cerebus666 @headshot @rare @witchie to do this questionnaire
Thank you for the tag sweetheart! Will do soon 💋🤍
@rare You're welcome 😊