This has been on my mind for a bit as a blog to type out here. I have been a victim of falling hard for crushes throughout the years, and I always swear I will not go down the rabbit hole again but kind of on the edge of one. Last crush I had before this recent one did a huge number on me to the point I gave up seeking anything out for about 3 years now. I did what anyone does, develop feelings for this person after getting to know them of course. Then comes the whole fantasy part where you think they are a great fit for you, regardless of the red flags they show, do anything for them to get their attention (this I did a lot), and finally getting the courage to tell them how you feel to ultimately get rejected. The rejection sucks but I can get over that, what I did not know was that she was in a relationship and used me to make her boyfriend a better boyfriend. That part sucked and made me almost give up on love till now. This go around, the girl is single and to me looks lovely (I am very biased on tattoos and piercings lol). Nice welcoming personality and then after a couple of weeks talking the crush bug bites me and I am fighting it off as much as possible, mainly because we work in the same building but I am a contractor and she is HR which truly blows. I will deal with it better than the last crush, but I like to know how anyone here on SG deals with having crushes on people. Did you succeed? Did it end poorly? Let me know because I am curious about how others deal with this issue.