- on zebrah's blog post
- on creamynal's photo
- on vegandemon's blog post
- on biawhite's photo
- on Who is your Woman Crush Wednesday? in everything sg
- on zebrah's blog post
This gamer is awesome and I think my first time seeing her here was years ago playing MTG on a stream. That was the first time seeing someone streaming here playing that and it was awesome! @brujaja keep on gaming and hopefully winning as well! I will be inking this and shading it soon, plus color for her vibrant hair colors!
@shenzy is a very good friend of mine here and IG. She cares about the members that always socialize with her on any media outlet. This is my 4th time drawing her, and this art hits a few things for me. I love the lore of kitsunes and absolutely love samurai themed stuff, it always takes me to another level. This is my work in
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I want to thank @helainked for tagging me and here we go!
I would so love to kiss @rapunzeel , she is very lovely and looks like she put me on a wild ride with a kiss. She is an absolute sweetheart!
I would marry @helainked, she is an amazing person and we are into similar stuff plus she is very supportive and just a
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Resident Evil is such a great survival horror series, eventually it went to the action horror route after the debut of Resident Evil 4. Thinking of this series begs me to question everyone here, "What is your favorite Resident Evil game?". My favorite of the series is Resident Evil , mainly because of my favorite RE character, Chris Redfield. That's right my favorite is not
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So this past week I had a little bit of a flu which helped activate DKA, which is a diabetic problem. My sugars were out of control and I stayed in a hospital for a week almost. DKA when untreated or ignored long enough can possibly kill a diabetic. I am good to go and this whole experience was an eyeopener and a swift kick...
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Finally watched Nosferatu, this was a remarkable remake! Bill just keeps putting out a clinic on horror movies! Allstar cast and the mood of a plague taking over the city was captured so well. Another plus was how original the look for this version of Count Orlok was, so creepy and unappealing witch is a good thing for once in a vampire movie. 9/10 for...
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