9-14-09 Blog Post:
I hope that everyone is doing well...
I had to renew my Florida Driver's License. It had gone well except for the fact that I had to pay $54.25. Oh well that's living in Florida.
At least, I did not have to go to work today... Things at work have not been going very well. So, I have been studying for the GRE (i.e., Graduate Record Exam.) The GRE is basically the standardized entrance exam for getting into graduate school. I would like to be able to be accepted by either Florida International University's Legal Psychology PhD. Program or by Florida State University's Social Psychology PhD Program. On my last practice GRE, I had been able to score a V + Q score of 1230. Not the greatest score, but it is close to my goal of 1300 V + Q. My actual GRE test date will be on October 30. I will do my best to be ready for the GRE. While there is a great debate over the ethics of the GRE, considering how terrible things are going at my current job, the GRE is the least of my problems.
That's it about the worst parts of my life. I think that why I love Suicide Girls as much as I do. Nothing helps me forget about my troubles better than to look at sexy Gothic women. All of the Suicide Girls are very sexy. I especially love to look at my favorites...
To every Suicide Girl, especially my favorites...
I hope that everyone is doing well...
I had to renew my Florida Driver's License. It had gone well except for the fact that I had to pay $54.25. Oh well that's living in Florida.
At least, I did not have to go to work today... Things at work have not been going very well. So, I have been studying for the GRE (i.e., Graduate Record Exam.) The GRE is basically the standardized entrance exam for getting into graduate school. I would like to be able to be accepted by either Florida International University's Legal Psychology PhD. Program or by Florida State University's Social Psychology PhD Program. On my last practice GRE, I had been able to score a V + Q score of 1230. Not the greatest score, but it is close to my goal of 1300 V + Q. My actual GRE test date will be on October 30. I will do my best to be ready for the GRE. While there is a great debate over the ethics of the GRE, considering how terrible things are going at my current job, the GRE is the least of my problems.
That's it about the worst parts of my life. I think that why I love Suicide Girls as much as I do. Nothing helps me forget about my troubles better than to look at sexy Gothic women. All of the Suicide Girls are very sexy. I especially love to look at my favorites...