What if I was the most screwed-up person in the world?

Read this and judge me. Get your kicks or whatever, but whatever you do, don't remember me. there's really nothing worth saying ...witty is not me now.
ok... here's a cohesive thought: oh, nope... wait. Never mind.

Reasons not to date me:
1) I'm lazy, sitting around playing sc for a week while creditors leave messages and my insurance lapses.
2) I'm on the borderline of healthy weight (5'10.5, 185 lbs)
3) My penis is one inch long. erect.*
4) Sexual Experience: too much. kinky and arguably illegal
5) Sexual Experience with others: haven't kissed in 8 years
6) Friends who still...
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"I have never let my education interfere with my schooling"
-Mark Twain
"Work is the scourge of the drinking classes"
-Oscar Wilde

couple random links I need to share:

that's all... whatever
official name for my house:
"The outside of the asylum"
If I ever have a cat, I'll seriously consider naming it "The Lord" (Although I hereby categorically deny having control over the universe... ok, well, almost all of it)
LOL-- saw this excellent poster on NCIS tonight (was channel surfingsmile
There are -10- types of people in the world:
Those who understand BINARY, and those who don't.

It was part of an ongoing joke about computer nerds and the rest of society. If you don't know what BINARY is, you might wanna look into it...

hope everyone's doing well
Lot's happened since Xmas. Lotta reading. lotta starcraft. A little work to keep me above water.

Got turned on to ifilm. Decided against signing up for blockbuster online, though if the price falls I may.

I really want to know more about how the hell the body works. Did you know that the farthest we've come in understanding how dna becomes cells is loose computer...
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on family, I keep up relationships and stuff but don't let it become too "special" or shmoopy... I guess I'm there for my family when I can be, but mostly they're self-supporting and happy. Of course, every relationship that's long-term gets somehow complexified through the subconscious' involvement (pet theory of mine), so this is a simplification of course. For full story, see the family pshychologist...
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Though I may lunch on the revelations of the insightful and communicative, I must chew despair at their incoherent meaninglessness. My dinner is apathy.

"the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions

I'm gullible, but I'm working on it:
2 years ago I believed that
until this week I even thought that the bible code and "Crossing Over".

More to come on the issue of whether "consciousness" is reason enough to believe...
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ok-- lifestatus:
Went to see Dan 2 wks ago for TG-- man, seems like last week. Funny thing, time is....
Finances are mostly in order , I think.
25th bday was last Wed. Dave and Dan (older brothers) called to say gratz, and I had a couple good phone chats with Dave. Still need to call Dan back.
Insurance thing goin on with a property...
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ok... so not having a "real" job has its benefits: I get to spend more time goofing off. (alright, I know--"duh", but It still doesn't cease to amaze me how money can make money). Anyhow.

I found the coolest download. You ever seen scenes in movies/games where they zoom-in on the earth from outer space (e.g. Enemy of the State, MIB, Wing Commander? Well, now...
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*wierd voice from the beyond*
jjchong, Happy birthday
*whistling and overall spooky sounds*
enigma-- you crack me up. Thx for the bday wish.
ok... so is anyone else pissed at all this talk about Bush winning b/c "moral values" was the most important issue in the election?!?!?

I don't know about the rest of ya, but morality to me includes first of all not preemptively striking a country we had (in retrospect, sure) NO reason to attack. Morality includes not using power to meddle in other nations' affairs....
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