I hate boxing shit up!
I find out if I'm having a boy or girl on the 9th.
So my current internet/cable/phone provider (it's all one company) does not provide service to our new complex. So now I have to figure something out since I owe money to the main phone company and HATE the prices of Time Warner. For all three things right now, I only pay $100 a month. FOR EVERYTHING! I have cable, high speed internet, and most of the options on my phone. Sigh. Why must everything be so difficult? I dunno when I'll have my service back up. So I'll see ya'll when I see ya'll.

I hate boxing shit up!
I find out if I'm having a boy or girl on the 9th.
So my current internet/cable/phone provider (it's all one company) does not provide service to our new complex. So now I have to figure something out since I owe money to the main phone company and HATE the prices of Time Warner. For all three things right now, I only pay $100 a month. FOR EVERYTHING! I have cable, high speed internet, and most of the options on my phone. Sigh. Why must everything be so difficult? I dunno when I'll have my service back up. So I'll see ya'll when I see ya'll.

hello, and congrats!!!

Wow you have been away for a bit huh...WELCOME BACK