I had my pregnancy orientation today. Two hours long. I think Josh was going to shoot his brains out...he can't stand sitting in one place for longer than an hour. I swear he has ADD. But they gave us a lot of useful information, including stuff about WIC and medicaid. They claim to be the only hospital in Texas that has...well I forget what it's called. But basically, I go through labor, delivery, and recovery in my room. Once the baby is born, he/she won't leave my side or my room (unless there are some complications *knock on wood*) and Josh can stay with me the whole time...he doesn't have to leave once visiting hours are over. But, they don't allow photography or videoing during the birth...before and after is okay. It's gotten me more and more excited. The 15the I have my first exam...I wish it were sooner. I want to make sure everything is okilie dokilie. Ummm...yeah. So...what's new in your lives??
There should be a little search box somewhere in the top right hand corner-ish. Do you know her username on there?
Evil baby...