So my manager the other day mentions that I need to start covering my tattoos on my arms which immediately puts me in a foul mood because the thought of wearing long sleeves and being hot at work, plus the idea that I can't wash my hands as effective, just gets my kinda pist. I did point out that the ER is full of sleeved workers, so why do they care, and she just said it is the policy.
I'm kinda a little shit and definitely defiant, so I am going to cut the sleeves off a shirt and safety pine it to another sleeve and I hope it looks lame as fuck! haha
Honestly though, why do businesses pander to the biases and prejudices of their older clients. Maybe some people don't like them, but I get asked daily by patients to be able to see more of my arm. In fact, if they polled patients whether they would have a worker service them who had bad breath or tattoos, they would more prefer the tattoos, but mints aren't required at the work place! WTF! (I do have great dental hygiene, FWIW).
From wiki, "In June 2006, the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology published the results of a telephone survey which took place in 2004. It found that 36% of Americans ages 1829, 24% of those 30-40, and 15% of those 41-51 had a tattoo."
IMO, businesses will be evolving past this prejudice against tattoos as the population of younger adults gets older, so why not start now? Obviously if the ink is of something derogatory like nudity, profanity or of poor taste like a sports team on the forehead then the business should enforce them to be covered, but not for all tattoos. Just lame.
I'm kinda a little shit and definitely defiant, so I am going to cut the sleeves off a shirt and safety pine it to another sleeve and I hope it looks lame as fuck! haha
Honestly though, why do businesses pander to the biases and prejudices of their older clients. Maybe some people don't like them, but I get asked daily by patients to be able to see more of my arm. In fact, if they polled patients whether they would have a worker service them who had bad breath or tattoos, they would more prefer the tattoos, but mints aren't required at the work place! WTF! (I do have great dental hygiene, FWIW).
From wiki, "In June 2006, the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology published the results of a telephone survey which took place in 2004. It found that 36% of Americans ages 1829, 24% of those 30-40, and 15% of those 41-51 had a tattoo."
IMO, businesses will be evolving past this prejudice against tattoos as the population of younger adults gets older, so why not start now? Obviously if the ink is of something derogatory like nudity, profanity or of poor taste like a sports team on the forehead then the business should enforce them to be covered, but not for all tattoos. Just lame.
Thanks. It's not like she was mad. More like she felt lame for having to enforce it actually but it's corporate that is lame. But thanks. Can't wait for the future I guess.
Saludos y besitos