$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


I like your 3 ideas of a good time (I miss sitting in coffee shops!). And what do you do when youโ€™re being creative? And YOU LOOK SO GOOD. Thanks :)

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


From korie


Thanks for the follow babe! My first set goes live in 16 hours!! Go show me some love. ;)

From cooky


thank y0u for the love on my Nostalgic set. you are so freaking sweet. I really hope we get to hang out again and even better if we can shoot again. Love you.

aww <3 i love and miss you and the girls dearly .. kind of bummed I won't be able to be surrounded by you beautiful babes this weekend. But I know there are plenty of shootfest to come <3 .. Would love to shoot with you soon, we'll plan something :D