Monday, Monday! Can't believe it's already here! How the weekend FLIES BY!!! It was a fun weekend and my favorite part was my tattoo session on Saturday. We got lots done on my arm and the background is really starting to fill in & come together. Yippee!!!
We worked down around the hand area putting in color around the images already in place. On my hand I have a tattoo of Yumi (from Puffy AmiYumi ... yes... I LOVE her) where she is drinking from a straw. It's an image from an old tour book that was published of Puffy in the 1990s.
I already had her face, hair and skintone done - so my artist (Nate McManus @ Mission Tattoo) added lots of bright BLUE around her, and little pink & white floating bubbles as texture throughout the blue. Then also got the red Kool-Aid in the cup & straw inked in.
Also worked on the green background above Yumi on the wrist area and some cool pink & purple bubbles were added there too.
Here's some pix below:
I sure am appreciating the sunshine lately and can't WAIT for Spring to start!! I just read that the "Official" first day of Spring is March 20th.... so although that is a ways away, at least it's in sight, right?
Thanks for all the great comments about DQ Blizzards - it was so fun to read everyone's favorites!!
Hitchhiking on that question.... what is your favorite kind of SODA (if ya drink it)? I would have to say that mine, for the time-being, is DIET SQUIRT. It's just so bubbly and has a touch of citrus & isn't toooo sweet - but just sweet enough
Winx from Jinxi
THIS IS A PICTURE OF SoBeIt, me and our artist, Nate:

We worked down around the hand area putting in color around the images already in place. On my hand I have a tattoo of Yumi (from Puffy AmiYumi ... yes... I LOVE her) where she is drinking from a straw. It's an image from an old tour book that was published of Puffy in the 1990s.
I already had her face, hair and skintone done - so my artist (Nate McManus @ Mission Tattoo) added lots of bright BLUE around her, and little pink & white floating bubbles as texture throughout the blue. Then also got the red Kool-Aid in the cup & straw inked in.
Also worked on the green background above Yumi on the wrist area and some cool pink & purple bubbles were added there too.
Here's some pix below:
I sure am appreciating the sunshine lately and can't WAIT for Spring to start!! I just read that the "Official" first day of Spring is March 20th.... so although that is a ways away, at least it's in sight, right?

Thanks for all the great comments about DQ Blizzards - it was so fun to read everyone's favorites!!
Hitchhiking on that question.... what is your favorite kind of SODA (if ya drink it)? I would have to say that mine, for the time-being, is DIET SQUIRT. It's just so bubbly and has a touch of citrus & isn't toooo sweet - but just sweet enough

Winx from Jinxi

THIS IS A PICTURE OF SoBeIt, me and our artist, Nate:
that is such amzing work! and good pictures of it too! favorite soda is cheerwine it's a southeast thing i don't know if they have it where you are. thanks for sharing your amazing work

wow, you're tattoos are so beautiful! i really really love the blue colour around yumi! (and your son's mohawk rocks!)