Oh my darling's!

Wow, Holy shit I cannot say thank you enough for all of the love I received on my new set! Milloux is absolutely magnificent and you guys are truly an amazing bunch of individuals.
I also got a new job yesterday woo...... im actually not all that stoked. I figured something about
self working my last job. Im not a 9-5 working chick and I dont enjoy working for "the man" I'm so custom to working for myself on my own time. Working an hour and only making 10$ .. yeah thats bullshit + I really hate people.... gosh I fucking hate people.. except you guys, you all are awesome but mind you im not making excuses these are legitimate rants.

Totally off subject but you want to know a weird fact about me? Eyebrows excite me, Whenever I look at someone, the first thing I look at is their eyebrows.... and then their bum... I like bums
I used to not have them and extremely despised drawing them on, takes up way to much time but look it.

Wow, Holy shit I cannot say thank you enough for all of the love I received on my new set! Milloux is absolutely magnificent and you guys are truly an amazing bunch of individuals.
I also got a new job yesterday woo...... im actually not all that stoked. I figured something about
self working my last job. Im not a 9-5 working chick and I dont enjoy working for "the man" I'm so custom to working for myself on my own time. Working an hour and only making 10$ .. yeah thats bullshit + I really hate people.... gosh I fucking hate people.. except you guys, you all are awesome but mind you im not making excuses these are legitimate rants.

Totally off subject but you want to know a weird fact about me? Eyebrows excite me, Whenever I look at someone, the first thing I look at is their eyebrows.... and then their bum... I like bums

See the difference? I stopped cutting them off and let them grow out for a couple of months and a cool trail of hair was born. hehehehehe. I know something this simple shouldn't get me siked but most people are used to having eyebrows, its new for me!
Anyway, Im off to see the wizard! Thanks again guys so much for the support, lets make this pussy cat pink eh!
Until we meet again,
xoxo, -Jxnchuriki
Instagram (jxnchuuriki)
you're fucking beautiful ><
Hot damn, your beauty is almost surreal! I dream of the day you get Pink status.