So I am quite stoked to announce that my set "Hollywood" shot with with the magnificent Milloux will be in MR April 5th!
totally in LOVE with the ending results! My hair is a bit more relaxed since then.
I've been contemplating about dying it l, maybe Byzantium. It would look black when viewing in regular lighting but in the sun light, you would be able see the purple coloring or possibly maroon. Yes? I've also been pondering about shaving off the other side, not to sure about that one yet.
My brain has been more wracked around my mother relocating to the other side of the country and leaving me to DIE!!!!!!
Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but hardly! With her leaving, that leaves me no choice but to fend for myself. Now sure, you think what's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing... other than the fact that, I would have to find a new place to stay, bust my ass even harder to find a job like i'm not already busting hard enough & possibly sell my dog because he's extra baggage I just cant carry right now.... which sadden's me most! I love my dog almost more than I love life its self. I couldn't possibly give him up... never... ever.. EVER! But I understand, I'm 19 years old, not a baby anymore... I gotta handle business and take care of my own responsibilities! Her job is done....
What I would like to do is pack up, move to L.A and be near more of the SG's. There are absolutely none in Altanta, not even so much as a SG photographer, no water to do any of my favorite activities, no palm trees, barely any comic con's, only nice weather, nice asses and strippers which actually doesn't sound half bad but... eh, there's more to life than just nice ass and strippers.... I think... right?
The whole thing is just stressing me the fuuuuuck out.... makes me wish I was 12 years old again. I had not a damn thing to worry about.
You know what would make me feel a little bit better?
A lovely valentine gift could surely lift the spirits!
Well, until next time sugar foot's!
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