Let me start off by saying this .... is ... my ... SHIT!

I must include I seriously do appreciate the love, advice and honesty in regards to my new set. You guys really know how to put a smile on someone's face.

I have another set queued for September 8th. I assure you, you're going to love it.

White Light District:
lets make me <~ (pink) eh!
I'd love you for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever! This website and team is so awesome! It would mean alot to me to be a true part of it.
Let me also say .........GET ME BETTER PHOTOGRAPHER! lol. no offense Marlon but its in my ear a bit to much that I am in serious need and would be better off with a new photographer.
with that being said I am relocating to Florida sunday. wooo hooo.
beaches, beer, and bitches.... I mean...... women.
My flight would of only been 109 but thanks to my dog its 185 PLUS another 100 to get his shots because I have no vaccination records for him. I was supposed to already be in Florida this past Monday but due to Hurricane Isaac, I had to reschedule.
Can we stop and have a moment of silence for New Orleans please.
My heart goes out to them right now! Hurricane Issac is a JERK!
I've been thinking alot about my love and sex life lately...... mundane existence.
At the moment there is absolutely no human being, man or woman that I am interested in. If I do catch myself slightly interested, the story line composes as I meet someone, we get close, its all great for awhile then someone stops trying, we both start to talk less, have awkward silences and conversations, we start drifting until there's no communication what so ever. Memories fade and the person I know becomes the person I knew. I mean im only 18 right, I shouldn't give a fuck and I dont but everybody at least wants a little flirt buddy or that someone that gets them a little excited here and there, mentally and physically. I dont even have that!
One thing I will truly say that catches my utmost attention is someone who can stimulate my mind. An individual with brains can receive brain from me. Never dumb yourself down for anyone! If they don't appreciate your brain, they don't deserve your body.
I have my nights where I feel cuddly and wouldn't mind getting "busy" but I honestly do believe sex ruins relationships so I try to refrain from it. I'm also starting to believe in sexual soul ties.
My dog is so territorial. He doesn't want me to be with anyone. When i'm horny at night I think he can tell because he tries to satisfy my needs licking on my ear and cuddling with me....
ew! its quite unnecessary lmfao! I want a human! or possibly an alien ... not... and I dont even like when people lick on my ear.... feels weird. I also don't like day time sex... feels better at night...... late at night or early in the morning... a nice alarm cock wouldn't hurt.
even though I....
At least someone in this house hold has a sex life. ........................ LOL!
he vigorously humps his bed and play toy's.
hehe, well that includes the things on my mind this evening, i'll leave you with a piece of my intelligence and a naughty spoiler.
When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When a bird dies, the ants eat the bird. Time and circumstances can change at any given moment. Don't devalue or hurt anyone in life unnecessarly. You may be powerful today but remember time is more powerful than you. One tree makes a million match sticks. Only one match stick is needed to burn a million of trees so be good and do good to those who are good to you.
Stay pretty and be blessed.
and remember