Guten Tag boys and squirrels. 
Woke up to this song wedged in my cranium.
haha. I love it! Its so catchy.
I didn't even sleep much last night. I stayed up all evening on oovoo talking shit, watching cartoons, cleaning throw up, and eating noodles. My poor wittle doggie was sick last night, eating shit he's not supposed to.
He's better now though. 
Also had a little innocent fun with the camera.

Woke up to this song wedged in my cranium.
haha. I love it! Its so catchy.

I didn't even sleep much last night. I stayed up all evening on oovoo talking shit, watching cartoons, cleaning throw up, and eating noodles. My poor wittle doggie was sick last night, eating shit he's not supposed to.

Also had a little innocent fun with the camera.

Say Ello To My Little Friend.
Enjoying the rest of my week off to the classics on this lovely Thursday.
My Favorite PS1 Game!
Wait wait wait.... *pauses game*
You didnt forget about me did you my little pig droppings? Psssht! Of courseeee you didnt!
Kingdom Hearts is still in MR extremely greatful for all the support and love that's received.
Let's turn me pink and i'll love you forever and ever and eeeeeeeever.
Game Of Love: August 27th.
White Light District: September 8th
*pushes start*
Looking forward to your next set.