I believe school has started for most people. Ah, I miss these moments.

My summer hasnt been exactly "fun" ... It has been very successful though, got a ton of things done! Not saying being successful isnt fun, its the greatest but when I say fun I mean in regards to going out and doing things with friends, still havent had any awesome summer sex.... probably best that way, been to a couple of places I have never been before but of course I was by myself. . but eh, shit could be worse so i'm not complaining. I do plan on visiting San Diego before the summer is over. I need a serious vacation. I've been stressed as hell, my nerves have been tweaking! I cant wait to go tubing and rollerblading on the boardwalk. On the other hand....
Two Sets Coming Out.
Game Of Love: August 27th.
I actually preferred to remove the Game Of Love set. Im just not feeling it anymore but unfortunately I cannot do that Soooo, oh well "shrugs"
White Light District: September 8th
Kingdom Hearts is still in MR appreciating all support and love that's given.
My Giggles This Afternoon.
A Party I Would Love To Attend.
I'm Goldilock's Today.
Hehe, Well that's all folks, and remember keep hope alive! keep hope alive! Lol stay beautiful.