Howdy! Long time no post. Got a lot of catching up to do. Missed some lovely sets i'm sure. Can browse those will downloading the RIFT beta client!
Alright, so what's been happening? So my gmail account got haxor'd! Someone decided to spam a few people this weekend with my account. That was pretty not cool. All fixed up though. Loves me some gmail.
I'm going to Montana for work next week. My first thought? Why can't i go to Montana in July!?! lol i don't dig on cold. Unless there is a lovely lady to stay warm with! Duh!
Went to see some music tonight. At a little Chinese restaurant by campus. I didn't eat anything cause i already had dinner, but man i want some right now. I so regret not getting some Kung Pao!
Random thought. Why do use some many exclaimation points? lol
Anyway, i'm off to check out the forums and sets. Hope everyone is doing super!
Alright, so what's been happening? So my gmail account got haxor'd! Someone decided to spam a few people this weekend with my account. That was pretty not cool. All fixed up though. Loves me some gmail.
I'm going to Montana for work next week. My first thought? Why can't i go to Montana in July!?! lol i don't dig on cold. Unless there is a lovely lady to stay warm with! Duh!
Went to see some music tonight. At a little Chinese restaurant by campus. I didn't eat anything cause i already had dinner, but man i want some right now. I so regret not getting some Kung Pao!
Random thought. Why do use some many exclaimation points? lol
Anyway, i'm off to check out the forums and sets. Hope everyone is doing super!
Aw thanks =]