almost a year since my last post and SO much has happened since's quite amazing. I dumped the last b/f a long while back in favor for a free life where physical & emotional abuse didn't occur. about a month & a half after that, I found a man who loves me 100% for who I am and that's all....not who he wants me...
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maxiebond: in another year?

wooot almost our b'day
been a long while I know. I'm back in Korea now. Only reason I remembered to update this site though is cause the b/f figure uses my log on to check out the naked pictures, so....maybe I should change my password?
Anyway, things back in Februaru worked out ok, but he still throws it on me sometimes and makes me feel guilty. Not cool.
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Anyway, things back in Februaru worked out ok, but he still throws it on me sometimes and makes me feel guilty. Not cool.
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ps: lets be friends
ps: lets be friends
hello how r you

anywho, v-day blew, like always. to be honest, i don't think i've ever experienced a "real" v-day. my favorite v-day that i can remember was back in grade school when we used to take those brown paper bags & decorate them, then tape them to the front of our desks & the next day, everyone would bring in little valentines for everyone in...
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anywho, v-day blew, like always. to be honest, i don't think i've ever experienced a "real" v-day. my favorite v-day that i can remember was back in grade school when we used to take those brown paper bags & decorate them, then tape them to the front of our desks & the next day, everyone would bring in little valentines for everyone in...
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Accursed double posts!!!
[Edited on Mar 13, 2005 10:12PM]
[Edited on Mar 13, 2005 10:12PM]
Hmmm...WTF mate, you outta commission? Hope not. Well get up with me when you get back.
Ok, I'm really sorry guys....since 5 Jan, I've been in ALS. For those that don't know, it's called Airman Leadership School. It's a 6 week course that basically re-blues you into a supervisory position in the Air Force. There's a lot of reading and a lot of home work & tests to take.
Hence the reason I haven't been on here in forever.
So, other...
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Hence the reason I haven't been on here in forever.
So, other...
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I think it's silly to try and keep a realationship going when you are so far apart and working on your career. A good friend of mine joind the army and her and her fiance decided to hold thing off. Iff things are meant to be it will happen when all this is over. Leave things so you can enjopy life, without worrying about doing something bumb or irrational out of lonliness or a thousand other reasons. If it's love, it will be there.
Happy Valentines Day girl, hope you get some chocolate or something!

I bought a PS2 (new thinner model) for myself for Xmas...yippee for me! HA! It's alright though, sometimes better than my gamecube, sometimes not.
I tried to change my pic, but it always comes out all squishy looking...grrrr!! I wish they'd show the pic the actual size or give us larger file sizes or something.......SHIT!
In other news....only 10 more days till X-Mas, only 3...
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I tried to change my pic, but it always comes out all squishy looking...grrrr!! I wish they'd show the pic the actual size or give us larger file sizes or something.......SHIT!
In other news....only 10 more days till X-Mas, only 3...
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Damn girl when are you getting back?
Mom has been here for 6 days now. It took me to day 3 to realize that she is starting to become senile.
On day 2, I was sure it was just because she was tired & overwhelmed with everything that was seen/told to her on day 1. But, come day 3 when I was explaining things for the 4th time, I knew it wasn't...
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Hey... Just re-activated my account. Left me a comment saying if i came back let you know. So here i am.

Hey!...ummm yeaH! Now im going to Kunsan(again). Report no later than 10 Jun. Hmmm well see.

sorry I've been away for a while...I've been nailed down at work, then sick for about 3 weeks, now I'm on leave while my mom is in town...lots going on.
my halloween party was awesome, I'm going to upload the pics on here so y'all can was TOO crazy!
my halloween party was awesome, I'm going to upload the pics on here so y'all can was TOO crazy!

Sorry to hear you were sick... enjoy your leave, though. 

Halloween is only 14 days away. Of course, we're celebrating on the 30th this year, because of work & what not. But I'm really looking forward to it!! I'm going to be a harem/belly dancer girl. (Hahahaha....reminds me of Korea!!!) I even got a costume for Leah. She's got a cloak & crown & the cloak says "The Queen" on it. It's funny really. I...
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Not sure where you would know me from, unless you swung by Osan while I was there (between May '03/May '04?)...
Add you? If you mean as an SG friend, I'm already on your list.

Not sure where you would know me from, unless you swung by Osan while I was there (between May '03/May '04?)...
Add you? If you mean as an SG friend, I'm already on your list.

No, sorry. Closest I got to Kyrgyzstan was Afghanistan. 
[Edited on Oct 18, 2004 6:12AM]

[Edited on Oct 18, 2004 6:12AM]
ok...time for an update since I was getting yelled at there! lol
I'm surprised at the amount of military members on this site! it's amazing & totally cool. I love it!
Alright, for those who wanted to know...I was at Kunsan last time & am going to Osan this time. I'll be getting there in May with over a month's leave in April, back in...
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I'm surprised at the amount of military members on this site! it's amazing & totally cool. I love it!
Alright, for those who wanted to know...I was at Kunsan last time & am going to Osan this time. I'll be getting there in May with over a month's leave in April, back in...
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I am the pumpkin master......

Hey, let me know if you need any info regarding Osan.

I just changed my pic...damn, I don't how it got all scrunched up and makes me look short & fat...exactly opposite of what I am...grrr....why the heck is there such a small limit on size of pics anyway? geeze
I'll try to get a new one up there soon
Did I tell y'all I am going back to Korea in May? Can't remember.
They're having...
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I'll try to get a new one up there soon
Did I tell y'all I am going back to Korea in May? Can't remember.
They're having...
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well, hell. you ever gonna update. Just like a military girl, request you friendship and then leave you hangin..... JK. I am sure you are busy... later...... X-Cpl Timagain....hehe
i that is cool that you r going to go back to korea i went there once it was cool well nice pic you look really nice in your uniform well talk to you late i tihnk that you r cute well talk to you later bye for now

I'm tired....
I'm tired of guys getting off on waking up after a night out "drinking with the guys"with bruises, scrapes & cuts all over, smelling of piss, liqour, beer and cigarette smoke, and not remembering a thing. Why is this so cool?
I'm tired of girls who try desperatly to act just like guys. No, it is not cool that you're sleeping with 8+...
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I'm tired of guys getting off on waking up after a night out "drinking with the guys"with bruises, scrapes & cuts all over, smelling of piss, liqour, beer and cigarette smoke, and not remembering a thing. Why is this so cool?
I'm tired of girls who try desperatly to act just like guys. No, it is not cool that you're sleeping with 8+...
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it sounds like you are tired of the same things at work that i am.
get some rest
get some rest

I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!! PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!! THE EXACT WAY I FEEL !!!!!!!!!!!

i just got notification a couple days ago about where I'll be going next in my journeys...
in April i'll be headed back to South Korea for a year. i'll be finding out soon where i'll be going after Korea. probably by the end of this month or next i'll know.
i'm kinda happy about it i guess. i was really hoping i was going...
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in April i'll be headed back to South Korea for a year. i'll be finding out soon where i'll be going after Korea. probably by the end of this month or next i'll know.
i'm kinda happy about it i guess. i was really hoping i was going...
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hey little pink bunny. best of luck. iceland would rock. have a nice nice nice weekend.