Praise be to Allah!!! I can walk again.
But i had to go back to work...
EDIT: Son of a if my neverending job search wasn't enough to drive me into homocide, I just found out that i can't even join the military until March...Fucking probation for my weed charges. I gotta wait til three months after i'm discharged by my PO to even apply, then i gotta get 3 letters of recommendation to obtain a "waiver" so that i'll be eligible. Mother fuckers!!! I can't serve our country because i got caught with fucking 1g of pot in January! Apparently you've got to be squeaky clean to take bullets in the name of freedom. Some system, eh? It's not enough that i haven't smoked since i got busted. I can pass drug screenings...shouldn't that be enough?
Sorry about had to come out.
AND: holy Christ, i almost forgot!!! I'm goin' to try out for this band on Sunday. They're called The Atom Dance...very Floydish-Mars Volta-y sounding psychadelic shit. Not my usual type of shindig, but i figure it'll get me out more. I'll keep yous updated on this potential jam-a-thon
But i had to go back to work...

EDIT: Son of a if my neverending job search wasn't enough to drive me into homocide, I just found out that i can't even join the military until March...Fucking probation for my weed charges. I gotta wait til three months after i'm discharged by my PO to even apply, then i gotta get 3 letters of recommendation to obtain a "waiver" so that i'll be eligible. Mother fuckers!!! I can't serve our country because i got caught with fucking 1g of pot in January! Apparently you've got to be squeaky clean to take bullets in the name of freedom. Some system, eh? It's not enough that i haven't smoked since i got busted. I can pass drug screenings...shouldn't that be enough?
Sorry about had to come out.

AND: holy Christ, i almost forgot!!! I'm goin' to try out for this band on Sunday. They're called The Atom Dance...very Floydish-Mars Volta-y sounding psychadelic shit. Not my usual type of shindig, but i figure it'll get me out more. I'll keep yous updated on this potential jam-a-thon

god doesnt want you to join the military.
god just wants you to be able to walk.