man, i hate it when someone calls my bluff!!!! i feel like such an ass when they do and im stuck with having to go through with it.ah well. here's hopin.anyhow, so im going to a pro football game(nfl for those that arent in the states) lol. i havent been since i was 6 and im now 35 so it should be different. wow talk about random thoughts......hopefully this next week will be good. i have a few appointments with the possibility of more to come from those. i never thought when i was doodling in class that it would turn out for a career.i went to college for law enforcement. hmmm. and now im altering people's skin for money. thats so awesome!!!!my mom is actually pleased although she said she's never get a tat because she cant stand needles.but, join me in my mom's celebration of being breast cancer free for 5 years now!!!!yes!!!! she's gonna be out here for a week and we are going down to laughlin so she can feed her gambling addiction....anyways, im done rambling....have a great day and a better weekend!!!!!