WOW! what a week this has been, but most importantly what a weekend this has sometimes and i didnt make it to chicago after all.
car issues prevented that..but we are still hopeful on finding another social distortion show as soon as we we had decided we would go see this cool rockabilly band called the rumble jetts that was playing in town..well our kid got sick so that didnt work out either..he was better yesterday so we thought the 3 of us might go shopping a bit and drop by this halloween store we had seen guessed it right, that didnt work out either because this friend who is staying with us is having some civil issues with her hopefully soon ex husband who came by a couple days ago to pick up their kid till the next day but never brought her back so her kid has spent the last couple days in a crack house..our friend calls the cops in the town where he is to let them no what's going on..we make the hour long drive to meet the cops over there..long story short..they cant do shit since there are no divorce papers or any custody papers for that we make the hour long drive back to get her stuff out of their apartment..well he changed the locks on her again so she goes to get the key only to find that he changed them himself..we go over there trying to figure a way in..i start to work kicking the door down..about as far as i got was bending the door handle cuz then the neighbor down stairs comes out so that was that..anyway that's how things have been going hopefully wont get fucked up..supposed to get out and about to something..whatever that something is, we plan to do it..and this evening i'm supposed to get together with some guys acoustically to jam a bit and hopefully we can get a band thing going..ok thats enough update for now

be glad I was nice.... I almost showed you a REALLY nasty ass picture but didn't have the heart to do that to you. You would have had nightmares!
It's nice to meet you too!