it has been a kick ass week so far. for the most part i have been fiddling around on the computer, playing some music, and downloading alot of music ; which i am addicted to...and also talking to some very cool people online, which has been a hell of a lot of fun. at some point this week i must leave the apartment for a while, as i will be making a stop at my friendly neighborhood community college to see about perhaps going back to school for a bit. planning to take some courses that would be most helpful in starting a business and of course running the blasted thing.
..will see how it works out. other than that, not much else that is going on here.however, i was pleased to find out that in june the Nekromantix will be in oklahoma city..YYYEEESS!..can't's only a 2hr drive and on a weekend besides that..anyway, thats all for now.. more updates to follow.

Your wife is a VERY lucky lady!!!!!

Hey man, glad I got to talk to you today. Cheers.