Dude, really, it's cool. Just chill, I think this guy's pretty good, you know? I think things might be a little bumpy for a while because Bush drove us into the ditch, but he's bailing before we hit that barbwire fence. The next driver better get ahold of the wheel in a hurry and drive us the fuck out!
Okay, first of all: I'm not a fucking sheep, nor am I stupid, nor have I been hypnotized by Obama's speaking voice. I'm intelligent, educated, and not overly enamored of politicians of any stripe.
McCain used to be someone I respected until he got the nomination and was forced by the GOP to compromise his values. He's an old man, his health ain't all that great, and the job he was applying for features a LOT of stress. I seriously doubt he would have made it through 4 years, which would have put Caribou Barbie in the driver's seat. I can think of few things more terrifying than having a fundamentalist ignoramus running my country.
I hope McCain can enjoy a long, peaceful, stress-free retirement. He's earned it!
Palin can crawl back under the rock where she came from and take her new $175,000 wardrobe with her.
As for Obama being guaranteed 4 years, well, I sure hope so. This election has really brought the white power fuckheads out of the closet...
McCain used to be someone I respected until he got the nomination and was forced by the GOP to compromise his values. He's an old man, his health ain't all that great, and the job he was applying for features a LOT of stress. I seriously doubt he would have made it through 4 years, which would have put Caribou Barbie in the driver's seat. I can think of few things more terrifying than having a fundamentalist ignoramus running my country.
I hope McCain can enjoy a long, peaceful, stress-free retirement. He's earned it!
Palin can crawl back under the rock where she came from and take her new $175,000 wardrobe with her.
As for Obama being guaranteed 4 years, well, I sure hope so. This election has really brought the white power fuckheads out of the closet...