what it is everybody? thanx to all who voted for my band. i think we may have just pulled it off. only time will tell. here's whats new. there are some new pics in my new band album and also i think 2 that are in the me album. check em out if you wanna. seems to be some big stuff happening. next show is in lawrence,ks for the regional finals of this global battle of the bands thing. if all goes well there, then we fly to L.A. to play the national finals and if all goes well there, then we fly to London to play the global battle of the bands where something like 33 countries are represented. suffice it to say, we are getting our passport stuff taken care of.
..not to mention we are racking up some more shows, which is awesome. other than that. not much else. ok, that's all for now. i now leave you with Nina Hagen.

hows it goign?
Hey man, how are you? Ain't talked with you in forever.