Today I bought Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar, because I heard a lot about her in recent days.
It sounds very depressive, that she killed herself in the same year her only novel has been released. And the book is largely autobiographic, so it seems to be perfect for me and the rainy summer.
Something happier:
I discover crisps with enchilada flavour today, which is...
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It sounds very depressive, that she killed herself in the same year her only novel has been released. And the book is largely autobiographic, so it seems to be perfect for me and the rainy summer.
Something happier:
I discover crisps with enchilada flavour today, which is...
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ich hoffe dein fuss sieht nicht mehr so aus...
oder so...
am montag komme ich dich besuchen...auch wenn du das erst viel spter lesen kannst...liebe grsse und gute besserung