So it's been a strange year for the marijuana harvest, me having a little medical event last spring after planting everything and as a result of that having to give up pot. As in entirely stop using marijuana at all. Anymore.
Inconceivable but true. Pot is trying to kill me. Well, that might be a slight over dramatization, but if I didn't believe that on some level I never would have had the will to stop using it. And I have.
So I've been watching the plants grow and wondering what the hell I'm going to do with them, and not really been taking as good care of them as I normally would. I mean . . . .
And now we've had some rain and the botrytis mold has hit and is wiping out my crop and I'm just kind of standing by, mouth open, thinking WTF? Shouldn't I be doing something?
So I've begun harvesting as much of it as I can save, which might not end up being very much. Botrytis is pretty disgusting. The bud pretty much turns to sludge. And it happens quickly. As in overnight. The biggest, fattest, best bud goes first.
I had quite a few like this.
But now this is pretty much the only one left. All the other tops are gone, leaving only the larfy side stuff. Yuk.
So I haven't been high for five months and I guess I'll never get high again for the rest of my life. At least I'm old. Not that much of it left. I've been reading more. Let's see -- what else? Playing golf.
But the question remains. What am I going to do with what's left?
Of the pot, that is.