Have someone read Otorongo. Have them say they liked it. Have them say they thought it was good.
Still hasn't happened.
I joined Instagram. Following @porcelinna. Turns out she's livin' in SF! Had no idea.
Giants lost to the Cubs. After 10 and 0 in elimination games over the last six years!
Actually I'm feeling better about things. A little. Check out Master is Happy on my Tumblr. Just type in "Master is Happy" in the search box and you can read the story of my beautiful psychotherapist (well, a little bit of it.) whom I call Princess Jasmine.
She doesn't dress like that, but guess what? She actually looks like that.
If you're an old guy for whom things are just getting weirder and weirder, having an exotically beautiful young psychotherapist makes up for it all. Just wish we were meeting twice as often for twice as long!