Kind of been obsessing over Otorongo for the last few months. Guess what? As far as I'm aware, nobody has actually read it yet? That's okay.
Switch to the hugel mound in my back yard that nobody knows about but me.
Guess what? I'm not smokin' pot anymore! Those are San Pedro cacti growing under the MJ canopy.
They're tall and lanky. Shade grown. Not gonna sell 'em. Not gonna smoke 'em. Just gonna grow 'em.
It's a shame about not being able to handle marijuana anymore. I'm gettin' too old and I had a mini-stroke recently. Suddenly you realize you don't want to die, so no point in blowing my hardening arteries up with pot. Having all these weird things going on and not being able to talk sucks. But luckily the symptoms went away without any permanent damage. I'm back to "normal." Whatever that is. That's growing pot and not smoking it. Publishing books that nobody reads.
But I've recently gotten an awesomely beautiful young psychotherapist. I call her Princess Jasmine. She's got the biggest most liquid brown eyes. So I'll just be in love with my therapist for a while.
Winnin' some, losin' some. What else is new?
Had a 78 the other day. First time I've broken 80 in over a year.