I've been seeing rainbows driving around lately. A good omen? Anyway, I heard from the "content evaluator" from iUniverse who's checking out my book. It has "an awful lot of sexual content," but their only concern so far is that none of it is real. As long as the sex is all imaginary it looks like they may be okay with it. I thought it was pretty obvious to anybody who actually reads the book that it's all spirits and demons and such -- kind of a hentai world. But they wanted to make sure. I assured them that when I describe having sex with a winged spirit who flies miles above the earth I'm just imagining it. It's like they read but they don't understand what they read. Or maybe it's a lawyer who's reading it. I don't know. Anyway, I feel like I got over a hurdle! Maybe I'll actually get to see my book in print!