I have submitted my book to iUniverse, a world inhabited as far as I can tell by Eve and Eleanor. I have had a very brief interaction with someone named Carlos. Eleanor is my CIC. Check In Coordinator. I don't know if you would pronounce that sick, or kick, or sis, or kiss.
I called her and asked her some questions before I submitted the book, and in the process of submitting the book I came across some guidelines that had different answers to some of the questions I had asked her than what she had told me.
Looking for signs in this peculiar transaction, of which Linsa has predicted it will be pure chaos and the book won't end up getting published -- looking for signs I did yoga yesterday, and spent pretty much the whole set being really angry at iUniverse for refusing to publish my book.
I guess it's a foregone conclusion that they will reject it. And the only question is how much money back I'll get. Or how vigorously I will oppose their rejection. I mean, I even considered bringing a lawsuit against them for breach of contract. But they're going to hate the book so much, or fear it so much or find it so distasteful that they're going to say no, we don't publish pornography. And I'm going to say I paid you $1500. We signed a contract. And beyond that I don't know what is going to be said.