I'm trying to self-publish my novel Otorongo. That means I pay them $1500 up front and they publish my novel. But they haven't read it yet, and I have no idea what their response will be when they do, because it contains a lot of :
Are you kidding, Jim? Dorothy is a total exhibitionist and the Tin Man couldn't care less.
I wonder what it feels like being fucked by a metal dick?
I think he wears a leather condom, Jim.
Man. Heavy metal and leather.
(They can hear Dorothy's mewling cries.)
Oh, fuck me Tin Man! Fuck me harder!
I thought you weren't going to gawk, Jim.
Dorothy getting fucked by a heavy metal Tin Man with a leather condom in a green field next to the Yellow Brick Road in my Third Chakra! Are you kidding, Linsa?
That's just a random sample of what's in the book.
Well, just to say I'm very interested to hear back from them. I submitted the manuscript today and I'm feeling really good about having done it. I think it's good! But this seems like a very straight company I just randomly approached off of some Internet ad about publishing your stuff, and they may hesitate to publish what to them seems like pornography.
I keep going back and forth with myself. Is it pornography? I mean, pornography is images and videos. There's really not that much literary pornography. Yes there are a very few porn sites devoted to written porn, and they're really small and obscure.
I don't know. I feel like Otorongois a serious work of fiction that contains pornography, but without being pornography. I even started out consciously to write a pornographic novel, and to a certain extent I feel like I've succeeded, but as the work evolved I realized there's another level to it. It's a story. It has lots of characters. It has a complete world.
I discovered a hentai video that surprisingly closely resembles the way the story is developed in my novel. WARNING: this link will take you to a porn page, but it's safe, and the video is at least I think quite interesting.
Kyonyuu Fantasy 1 Subbed | Hentaigasm - Stream Hentai
I realize that I have no better place to journal this experience than SG. I'm 68 and I've never been published. I've been writing since I was 15. This is the first time I've gone down the self-publishing road.
Wouldn't it be crazy if they won't publish me either?