Well, my outdoor harvest is in. Lost two plants to bud rot. But my overall goal, which was to grow Medicine Woman from seed and pollinate her, and whatever else was in sight, has been achieved. Over 200 seeds of Medicine Woman, and still harvesting seeds from my Amnesia Medicine Man cross and ACDC Medicine Man cross.
I paid 60 bucks for my original Medicine Man/Woman seeds, got two women and three men, the men did their job suavely and with great studliness, so if you figure I net upwards of 300 seeds, seems like a pretty good investment.
Ha ha! Ho ho!
This was my first outdoor grow in pots. Have ambitions to grow in the ground next year. Got the sun, moon and stars goin'. Next year we'll add the earth. (The rain is iffy, I have to admit -- that's where the bud rot comes from.)
The one with my thumb in the pic is Amnesia crossed with Medicine Man aka White Rhino. Got my own new strain. Gonna call it Hypnopotomus. Hope to have an update on how it came out in a few months!