Dream: I'm watching a play at someone's house. Walter Trice, my old college buddy, is in the play, which should be a clue to go lucid, since old Walter didn't make it past his 60th birthday. But in the dream I just know I haven't seen him in a while. I always knew he couldn't act, but nevertheless he has everybody laughing. After the play all the actors run out, and I'm trying to follow them to talk to Walter but everybody else is milling around but I can't find Walter.
Then somebody says somebody's at the door asking for me. So I go to the front door, which is a very nice door with stained glass in it which opens strangely. The stained glass panel slides up. And there on the other side is a cute girl dangling from a rope asking for me. So I don't have to be asked twice, so I get up on the rope with her and we go swinging up into the air and I look up and way, way up there's a helicopter at the other end of the rope.
It's a pretty suburban street that we're floating above on our rope and I ask the cute girl, "Do you think we should jump off?" But she just shrugs and gives me an "I don't know" look. "I think we better," I say. So down we jump.
Meanwhile, the rope has become entangled in the telephone lines, and I jump up to disentangle it. When that's done the helicopter, which has come down low, reels it in. I wave at the helicopter and it waves back, and then I realize that the cute girl is running up the street. I run after her and see her go into this restaurant type place, so I run in after her.
When I ask if anybody's seen her I'm told she's eating in the cancelled food room. I don't know anything about that but I go looking for it. This is really a big house with lots of different rooms in it where people are eating. People keep directing me until finally a guy points to a room and says that's it. "I like your --" he says, nodding towards the cute girl, who's alone in the room, sitting on the floor.
The cancelled food room is a beautiful octagonal or circular room made mostly of windows. My messenger girl is seated cross-legged in the middle of the room looking like a harem girl, dressed in silks and jewelry, with a forehead necklace, and though she used to be white, now she's black.
I sit down in front of her and she has this bubble blowing instrument and she starts blowing brown bubbles out of it at me, performing some kind of ritual. So I sit cross legged too and put my hands in prayer mudrah, and she's blowing these bubbles and I open my eyes to look at her but she gives me a look that says, "Hey, close your eyes!" So I do.
So my eyes are closed and I realize she's actually sitting in my lap. Not bad. And she's blowing the bubbles directly into my mouth. And in fact her mouth is touching my mouth. And I'm starting to get a little erection, and she seems very comfortable with that, and about that time she sticks her tongue in my mouth and I'm thinking, "Am I supposed to kiss her?" Like, you know, is that part of the ceremony?
And then my head explodes because I'm getting so turned on by her and I wake up. Well, damn! it's like I "came" too soon or something and lost the dream. But at the same time it's such a silly, wonderful dream that I can't help feel good about it just lying there. Then my alarm clock tweets. I have a bird alarm clock that tweets, and it was such a cute little tweet that I started laughing and I realized that even if I hadn't woken up the alarm clock would have woken me up anyway . . . .
So that was probably the best dream I've had in years. And I've got the feeling I might get to go back and dream about that cute girl again. So even though my birthday was two weeks ago, that was my birthday dream.
Would love to get back into it with her and go lucid!

Then somebody says somebody's at the door asking for me. So I go to the front door, which is a very nice door with stained glass in it which opens strangely. The stained glass panel slides up. And there on the other side is a cute girl dangling from a rope asking for me. So I don't have to be asked twice, so I get up on the rope with her and we go swinging up into the air and I look up and way, way up there's a helicopter at the other end of the rope.
It's a pretty suburban street that we're floating above on our rope and I ask the cute girl, "Do you think we should jump off?" But she just shrugs and gives me an "I don't know" look. "I think we better," I say. So down we jump.
Meanwhile, the rope has become entangled in the telephone lines, and I jump up to disentangle it. When that's done the helicopter, which has come down low, reels it in. I wave at the helicopter and it waves back, and then I realize that the cute girl is running up the street. I run after her and see her go into this restaurant type place, so I run in after her.
When I ask if anybody's seen her I'm told she's eating in the cancelled food room. I don't know anything about that but I go looking for it. This is really a big house with lots of different rooms in it where people are eating. People keep directing me until finally a guy points to a room and says that's it. "I like your --" he says, nodding towards the cute girl, who's alone in the room, sitting on the floor.
The cancelled food room is a beautiful octagonal or circular room made mostly of windows. My messenger girl is seated cross-legged in the middle of the room looking like a harem girl, dressed in silks and jewelry, with a forehead necklace, and though she used to be white, now she's black.
I sit down in front of her and she has this bubble blowing instrument and she starts blowing brown bubbles out of it at me, performing some kind of ritual. So I sit cross legged too and put my hands in prayer mudrah, and she's blowing these bubbles and I open my eyes to look at her but she gives me a look that says, "Hey, close your eyes!" So I do.
So my eyes are closed and I realize she's actually sitting in my lap. Not bad. And she's blowing the bubbles directly into my mouth. And in fact her mouth is touching my mouth. And I'm starting to get a little erection, and she seems very comfortable with that, and about that time she sticks her tongue in my mouth and I'm thinking, "Am I supposed to kiss her?" Like, you know, is that part of the ceremony?
And then my head explodes because I'm getting so turned on by her and I wake up. Well, damn! it's like I "came" too soon or something and lost the dream. But at the same time it's such a silly, wonderful dream that I can't help feel good about it just lying there. Then my alarm clock tweets. I have a bird alarm clock that tweets, and it was such a cute little tweet that I started laughing and I realized that even if I hadn't woken up the alarm clock would have woken me up anyway . . . .
So that was probably the best dream I've had in years. And I've got the feeling I might get to go back and dream about that cute girl again. So even though my birthday was two weeks ago, that was my birthday dream.
Would love to get back into it with her and go lucid!