What does it mean that sexuality is being celebrated in younger and younger models? Anybody think this is a trend? A fad? Good? Bad? I can't decide.
What does it mean that sexuality is being celebrated in younger and younger models? Anybody think this is a trend? A fad? Good? Bad? I can't decide.
Nine months and $15,000 poorer, having made exactly $8.84 from the sales of OTORONGO, it's time to move on. Personally, I believe it to be the best book ever written, but that's neither here nor there.
My next project is The Perfect Dream, first book in the Let Me Not Mar That Perfect Dream series that starts with a group of four teenagers having...
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One thing I will say for iUniverse. They perform as promised. The frickin' ads may not sell any fookin' books, but they do appear.
It's on the lower right. You can't read it, but it says, "Have a few bong rips and float through the Hentai Universe of Jim and Linsa, where spirits abound, and sex is preeminent."
So here we have Otorongo, a great
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Phew. It's been a long haul. It was back in May that Otorongo came out and I had my mini stroke. No relation between the two events. Oh, no. Definitely not. Took my blood pressure the other day. 129/63. That's the good news. Lots of money later, not one single solitary copy of Otorongo has been sold. When I had a 98 playing golf and...
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Haven't been having a lot of success getting people around here interested in my book (as in none). Not sure why that is (or anywhere else, actually.) If any of you are familiar with Goodreads, I've started trying to reach readers there. Authors are allowed to review their own book, and that's what I've done here.
Anybody who goes on Goodreads, it would be great...
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Somebody said they liked it! Unsolicited. So I'd given a copy of Otorongo to a friend of mine, and another guy saw it and said can I read it? So yesterday he just came out with, "I liked the book!"
That's it. First time anybody's said they liked it! So I asked him if he read the whole thing and he said he didn't have...
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So it's been a strange year for the marijuana harvest, me having a little medical event last spring after planting everything and as a result of that having to give up pot. As in entirely stop using marijuana at all. Anymore.
Inconceivable but true. Pot is trying to kill me. Well, that might be a slight over dramatization, but if I didn't believe that on...
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Have someone read Otorongo. Have them say they liked it. Have them say they thought it was good.
Still hasn't happened.
I joined Instagram. Following @porcelinna. Turns out she's livin' in SF! Had no idea.
Giants lost to the Cubs. After 10 and 0 in elimination games over the last six years!
Actually I'm feeling better about things. A little. Check out Master...
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